DBwin - spare part management
DBwin spare part management stores parts with order no., price and other informations in a database. If a spare part is needed, you can search it with a search phrase or barcode and set the order quantity. The program "collects" all parts to be orderd and shows in main menu, at which supplier an order can be placed...
Powerpointpräsentation: First steps with DBwin
DBwin works like an electronic notepad. If some parts from a supplier are on the notepad, you can place a purchase order. Of course, If important parts were needed, you can set the order immediately.
To set an order is very easy:
With a click at supplier name in main menu you can display the order list and you can print it out or send it with fax or email.
For printout an order you have following possibilities:
- Print on TSS-standard formular
- Print on original formular of your company. (you can pre-set the position of data fields)
- Print on original formular of your company and print it together with jpg-file.
- Set the order via email
All of the ordered parts will be stored in the "list of backlogs" . In this list you can see at whitch supplier parts were ordered but not yet delivered. Suppliers who still have to deliver parts are shown in the main menu in the window "backlogs at supplier".
When the parts will be delivered, the complete order will be stored in archive file, Thus you can check every time old purchase orders (with date, price quantity e.g.).
The Software DBwin - spare part management works with the same database format like Fwin - Maintenance. Spare parts can be easily transfered into Fwin.
DBwin is the perfect partner for Fwin - Maintenance.
see also: working with barcodes
spare parts management
stock control
purchse orders
documents management
via fax
via email
via print out